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Response to Motion to Modify


Use the Response to Motion to Modify Judgment Workflow if your coparent has asked the court to change custody, parenting time, or child support and you don’t agree. This is only for parents who were never married and who have already gotten a judgment from court on these issues. This workflow includes:

  • Your response to your coparent’s motion and related documents
  • The papers to ask the court to change the hearing date
  • The paper to ask for more time to respond
  • The paper to make sure the court doesn’t sign your coparent’s judgment before you go to court

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THE RESPONSE PACKAGE includes all the documents you need to respond to what your co-parent filed about changing your case.

  1. a response including a counterpetition if you want additional or different relief that your co-parent didn’t include in his/her/their petition. The counterpetition also makes sure your case continues to the end even if your co-parent decides to withdraw their requests.
  2. confidential information forms that provide  the court and judge with key information about everyone in the case
  3. a notice that you completed the confidential information forms

Your Workflow purchase comes with a course containing FAQ’s, explanatory guides and a checklist of steps to help you find the right forms and finish them right the first time.



Case Phase


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Requires Application


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