Motion to Modify Judgment


THE MOTION TO MODIFY JUDGMENT WORKFLOW is for you if you’re asking the Court to change your divorce judgment.


  1. A document that tells the court why you need to modify the judgment signed in your case the last time you went to court.
  2. An information form that includes biographical and contact information.
  3. A document that lets the court and your former spouse know that you filed the required CIF’s. You will provide it to both the court and your former spouse.
  4. A notice of hearing that lists the date and time you want your modification case to go in front of the judge (or be “heard”).
  5. A document that allows you to choose whether you want an informal or a formal trial. The workflow will give you more information about this. You will need to file this with the court and serve your former spouse.


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The Rogue Family Law Document Portal lets you prepare your court paperwork using our forms from the comfort and privacy of your home.  You complete our online “interview” and it will generate the documents you need to ask the judge to move (“continue”) your court date. In addition to the portal, this tool comes with a course containing FAQ’s, explanatory guides and a checklist of steps to help you find the right forms and finish them right the first time.

This Workflow lets you easily prepare your paperwork to change your divorce judgment, called a “Motion to Modify Judgment.”

Each Workflow has two parts:

  1. a series of questions (or “interview”) you answer and,
  2. a set of documents we create from your interview answers.

After you answer all the questions in your interview, you will see a page with all of the questions and your answers. Review this carefully and make any changes so it’s correct by clicking on the pencil icon and then hit the “complete” button. The next screen you will see is the page with all your documents. From there, you can:

  • review and print your documents by clicking on the document on that page;
  • download the documents by scrolling to the bottom, and choosing PDF, Word or both; and/or
  • get the documents emailed to you (a good choice if you aren’t working from your home computer).

When you get your documents, you will need to sign them and either:

  • electronically file them using the Oregon efile portal (covered in your Portal course including how to set up and use efile)
  • print your documents and take them to the courthouse for filing (also covered in the portal course).
  • if you choose to get your documents in Word, you can make more changes directly to the documents

Whichever option you choose, proofread your documents carefully before you file them.

This workflow includes the following documents:

  1. A document that tells the court why you need to modify the judgment signed in your case the last time you went to court.
  2. An information form that includes biographical and contact information.
  3. A document that lets the court and your former spouse know that you filed the required CIF’s. You will provide it to both the court and your former spouse.
  4. A notice of hearing that lists the date and time you want your modification case to go in front of the judge (or be “heard”).
  5. A document that allows you to choose whether you want an informal or a formal trial. The workflow will give you more information about this. You will need to file this with the court and serve your former spouse.

(NOTE: If you are married, or are answering a case about parenting issues, this is not the right packet or “workflow” for you. Please contact to get the right workflow for your case.)


Case Phase

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Requires Application

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