By Samantha Malloy

December 28, 2023

document portal, oregon court forms, oregon pro se, pro se

Rogue Family Law, an Oregon Family Law firm, offers "pay as you go" products and services to self-represented individuals. One of the products we offer is our Document Portal, which you can use to create and complete the documents you need for your Oregon family law case without the help of an attorney.

Our Document Portal breaks out court paperwork into steps and by case type so you can move through your case step by step which we call “workflows.”  

Each workflow has 2 parts: a questionnaire and the documents you create by filling in the questionnaire. Simply answer the  questions using the included explanations, tips and instructions. When you're done, you will have a page with all your answers to review and, if needed, correct.  When your answers are complete and correct, click a button and you will get all the documents needed for your case type and phase.  

Your workflow has instructions on what to do with the documents you created and, unlike other portals, you won’t be flooded with all the documents for your entire case. You will get just the documents for where you are.  You also aren't left guessing what to do with the documents you created as each workflow has instructions at the start about what to do with each document in the workflow.  

If you want your documents reviewed before you file them, we have you covered - just purchase the “Document Review” product. Have questions about sorts of things you can do? Watch the portal course (included for free) or submit an application for an Orientation.

To make the Document Portal Workflows easier to navigate, we've broken them down into five basic categories: 

1. Workflows to start a case

2. Workflows to respond to a case

3. Workflows to conclude a case

4. Workflows to ask the court for something during a case that's already started

5. Workflows for serving a case

We'll explain each workflow with a brief video.

Starting Your Case

The Petition for Dissolution Workflow is for you if you are married and want to get a divorce or you're in a domestic partnership and you need to get a judgment to divide your property. 

Starting Your Case

The Petition for Parenting Issues is for you if you have a child in common with the other person that's going to be in this case with you, and you are not married. This workflow is to establish custody, parenting time, and or child support. 

Starting Your Case

The Third Party Parenting Petition is the document that you need if you're looking to start a case to establish custody or parenting time for a child that you have a relationship with that is not your biological or adopted child.

Respond in a Case

The Response to Petition for Dissolution of Marriage is for you if you are married or in a domestic partnership and you've received paperwork from your spouse or domestic partner.

Respond in a Case

The Response to Petition for Parenting Issues is for you if you are not married to the other parent of your children. This is the workflow for you to create your answer or your response to the paperwork that you received from your co parent.

Respond in a Case

The Response to Petition for Third Party Parenting is the Workflow for you if you are the parent of a child and have received paperwork from someone other than the other parent.

Respond in a Case

The Response to the Motion to Modify Judgment (unmarried) is for you if your co parent has filed a motion to change the judgment that was entered in your case regarding your children, whether that's for parenting time, custody or child support, this is the workflow for you.

Conclude a Case

The Petition for Dissolution Judgment Workflow is for you if you are married and going through a divorce called the dissolution of marriage or you're domestic partners with somebody and you're formally dissolving that domestic partnership.

Conclude a Case

The Petition for Parenting Issue Judgment is for you if you have a child in common with the other person in this case, and are ready to wrap up your case. 

Ask the Court

The Motion to Continue Workflow is for you if you're asking the court to move the court date for your next hearing or trial, or you're asking the court to give you more time to file a response.

Ask the Court

The Motion for Contempt Workflow is for you if you have a Judgment that your co-parent, ex-spouse, or ex-partner isn't following, and you're asking the Court to enforce that judgment through its contempt powers.

Ask the Court

The Motion for Informal Domestic Relations Trial Witnesses is the document that you will need and contains the allegations or statements that you need if you're asking the court to permit you to call a witness in your informal domestic relations trial.

Serve the Papers

The Service for Petition of Dissolution is for you if you are married and seeking a divorce or you're in a domestic partnership and you're seeking to dissolve that partnership so you can divide property.

Serve the Papers

The Service of Petition for Parenting Issues is the workflow for you if you're not married and you've started a case to establish parenting time, custody, and or child support.

Each Workflow product comes with a handy "help course" to explain how to navigate the document creation process, an "interview" questionnaire that stores your answers for future use, and your Court-ready documents in PDF and Microsoft Word format.


document portal, oregon court forms, oregon pro se, pro se

Remember: Being self-represented doesn't mean you have to go it alone.

With the Rogue Family Law ecosystem of legal products and services, you can add on help as you need it, when you need it, in ways you need it, like document reviews, one-on-one consulting, legal coaching, and legal workshops.