Your Life. Your Case. Your Way

Rogue Family Law is an entirely remote legal firm with products and services designed for self-represented (pro se) or collaborative clients across the state of Oregon, however our products and services can assist any Oregonian who wants to feel more supported in their family law case.

Complete the form below to submit your application for a Legal Orientation and other one-on-one services with Rogue Family Law Lawyer Samantha D. Malloy. We use this form to determine if we are a good fit including to rule out any conflict of interest so we can ethically begin speaking with you about your case and your legal options. If you’d rather not apply, you can
click here to take the on demand workshop and/or access our workflows which don’t require an application.

Application for the Legal Orientation, Consulting, and Coaching

Have you received any legal documents from your current or former partner?*
Is there an upcoming court date?*
How did you hear about us? *
Would you like to receive updates on your conflict check via text messaging (SMS)?*
Would you like to subscribe to special offers and other general marketing updates via email from Rogue Family Law?*

Important Application Information:

1. You only need to fill this form out once. If you have already applied and received an approval from us, please do not fill out a second form. Instead, go ahead and log in with the email address you used to apply and purchase. 

2. Accurately filling out every question on this form is required to move forward with our 1:1 servicesFilling out the form without complete information (including the opposing party's first and last name) will result in an immediate disqualification of your application.  

3. WARNING: Please do not give an email address that your partner or ex-partner can access, including having ever given them the password, having their email as your recovery email, or otherwise sharing access. If this is the case, please secure your email before filling out this form.

4. What you hear from us is confidential unless you share it with a third person. Therefore, please do not use your work email as your employer likely can and does review these. Instead, please provide your personal email or set up a new email account.

5. Note that we do not provide traditional legal representation in court, however a Legal Orientation will prepare you to be a better user of legal services in Oregon and Case Management Coaching will give you focused guidance as you move through your case.

6. If you get an error while completing this form on a mobile device (cell phone, tablet), please complete the form on a desktop computer. 

7. Please add to your email contacts / trusted sender list so you don't miss any follow-up messages from us.

If you need assistance with this form, please call us at 541.708.5130 or email


"No one can do what she does!"


Samantha is the best attorney I have ever met or heard of. She is experienced, strategic, very very smart, organized and knows what she’s doing. I feel so so lucky to have found her during such a hard time. Most attorneys will say they are those things I listed but many are not. I worked with various attorneys and she is the most efficient and knows how to prioritize massive amounts of information.

She ended up being the cheapest of all I worked with because she is so good at what she does and spends half the time others do on consolidating evidence and info as well as on talking me through things. I had a very complex situation involving domestic violence, mental health issues and custody. I talked to many attorneys and what I learned is that most say they know about domestic violence and mental health issues but they don’t really. Samantha does. She has not only helped guide me through the court system (where judges often also dont usually know about domestic violence and mental health issues) but she also advised me on my own journey and what professionals to see through very hard times because I too didnt know about those things. She could understand my PTSD and work with me to learn about the situation I was in and how to navigate court when I was having to face retriggering things and people and relive incidents that were traumatic.

She also listens. Which seems like that shouldn’t be hard to do but many attorneys don’t listen to their clients (except at that first meeting). She believes in her clients and their guidance. She also explains things so clearly. The system is really confusing and a different culture and language and she could see from my perspective, a beginners perspective, and explain all that was happening and going to happen. It is a rough journey going through court and she was my guide. She also does not sugar coat anything. She says what needs to be said which isnt always easy but is definitely needed for the best outcome and success as well as healing. She also knows about personality disorders and high conflict cases which is a whole different ball game in court. She would be great for any situation even a more straight forward one but when entering court with a manipulative, dishonest, narcissist or sociopathic type you must have someone who knows these situations and how to keep you and your family as safe as possible. You can’t control all outcomes of course but my goal was to find someone who did all they could within a system that sometimes doesnt protect us. I needed to know I couldn’t have done anything else to help my family in court. And having Samantha made me 100% sure there is nothing else I could have done and we got more safety than I imagined possible. She also is willing to work as a team and work with other attorneys.

In my situation I needed to go to court with an attorney and she doesn’t go to court now so she helped organize things with me for him. Had I not had an attorney I would have felt totally prepared with her support and prep work. The only downside to Samantha is that no other attorney can do what she does and if you have to have another attorney you will be disappointed they aren’t her. But given she will talk to and (gently) coach other attorneys she brings the best out in other attorneys as well. I was lucky to have a very smart and kind attorney who could go to court and was willing to talk to Samantha and get advice and create the strongest case I could have had.

Most attorneys don’t get the danger of domestic violence situations and she does and she can explain it clearly and in ways a judge might be able to hear it. I wish all attorneys were trained by her. Judges too. She knows how to protect people and families as much as is possible within the system. It’s hard for me to believe we did so much and went through so much info and evidence and got it all widdled down. It was so overwhelming at first. And thanks to her me and my children have more safety and freedom than we’ve ever had. I just can’t say enough good things about her. I just wish there were more of her.

- MM, Unbundled Client, September 2023

Frequently Asked Questions about
Unbundled Products and Services at Rogue Family Law

If you're a respected family law attorney, why are you offering this service when you could earn more with traditional representation?

Like a lot of people, my daily routine stopped in March, 2020, giving me time to think (literally) about how I was working with families.

I realized I didn’t want to be part of the traditional process that caused families-- already hurting over break-ups and in conflict -more pain. I wanted to work in a way that avoided: 

  • uncertain and often overwhelming legal costs 
  • long delays because of court backlogs and law office case loads
  • higher conflict for years to come from fighting to “win” trials 

So I created Rogue Family Law to:  

  • work with you not for you
  • give you information and affordable legal advice to make your own smart choices
  • find legal solutions to problems rather than focusing on legal problems to try cases
  • help you resolve differences sooner to lower your family’s conflict so you can adjust and move forward

What are the benefits of Unbundled Services with Rogue Family Law?

Unbundled services at Rogue Family Law allow you to pick and choose what, when and how much help you need. Our prices are clear and upfront so you can set and stay within your budget.  

Our Document Portal is a question and answer tool that lets you provide the facts and lays out your legal choices to create your custom documents. The built-in instructions and tips guide you along the way while the complimentary course gives you filing instructions, how-to videos and bonus downloads to help you get started right. 

Our courses give you the same information that we used to charge $300 an hour to deliver to individual client but  at a portion of that cost.  The online courses with pre-recorded videos let you get help from the comfort of your home on your schedule.

The consulting sessions give you access to targeted one-on-one help without paying a large retainer  or effectively writing a blank check by signing a contract to pay whatever monthly bill you get.  

The Case Management Coaching Program gives you structured guidance to get through your case with ongoing support.  It gives you access to all of our services and products at a set monthly fee you can cancel at any time.

What would make me a bad fit for Rogue Family Law's unbundled services?

  • If you do not have access to a computer or a safe place to work, Rogue Family Law won't work for you.
  • If you need to meet in person, working with us through zoom could frustrate you. 
  • If you prefer to have someone handle court, deadlines, and communication with your spouse, partner or coparent, our services won't be for you.
  • If you don't enjoy learning and are stressed out by speaking for yourself, self-representation in general and Rogue Family Law specifically won't be your best option.

Of course, this assumes you have the resources to pay a lawyer, in which case, retaining a traditional lawyer would be a better fit for you.

What would be the reason to choose traditional/full representation?

  • If your case involves violence, substance abuse or high-conflict, you may want a buffer between you and your spouse/co-parent/partner
  • If your spouse, partner or co-parent has a lawyer, you are not on a level playing field if you represent yourself. 
  • If your case is financially or legally complicated,  it would be better to have a professional handle it for you.  
  • If you struggle to manage deadlines or don't have time to do the work yourself, traditional representation is better for you.

Of course, this assumes you have the resources to pay a lawyer, in which case, retaining a traditional lawyer would be a better fit for you.

What if I want some extra legal advice or help with my case?

Rogue Family Law was set up to give you flexibility in how you get legal help. You can add on other products to whatever service or product you get first. Examples include:

  • a guided Legal Orientation to cover all the basics
  • a single targeted consulting session
  • ongoing legal advice and guidance in our Case Management Coaching Program 

Just fill out an application so we can avoid any conflicts of interest or ensure we can help you and our reply email will give you instructions on how to move forward.

Can I move to a different level once I get started with Rogue Family Law, for example from DIY to a lot of help?

Yes.  After we get your application and verify whether we have any conflicts or other issues that would make us a bad fit for you, you will get an email with instructions on how to upgrade your products or services.

Can I hire a lawyer after I get started if I change my mind after I've filed papers with the court?

Yes.  It's pretty common for people to start a case on their own and later bring in a lawyer or even change lawyers.

We hope you get what you need from Rogue Family Law but if you fall into one of the situations described in the first two FAQ's, you can seek a traditional lawyer to handle your case for you.  

A word of caution: don't let it go too long if you think you want to make that choice. There is a shortage of lawyers in some counties so it may take some time to find a lawyer that's right for you.

Also, many lawyers don't want to take a case right before trial in case the judge won't postpone it to give them time to get up to speed and properly prepare.

How soon can I start my Orientation or other Workshop?

On-demand courses (such as the On-Deman Legal Orientation and On-Demand Workshops) are available in your Rogue Family Law within minutes of your purchase. Guided courses are scheduled, usually within 2 weeks of your purchase.


"Immeasurably Helpful"


Rogue Family Law's help and guidance was immeasurably helpful to me. They took the time to listen and understand, and to explain confusing legal details and procedures. They gave me the confidence to address my case, and helped me to prepare to represent myself at hearings.

- Jane, Unbundled Client, March 2023


"I felt less overwhelmed and more confident in the undertaking."


Samantha was incredibly helpful throughout my entire divorce process. She conducted a Legal Orientation with me to help me understand that entire process before even initiating the Divorce Conversation.

I felt less overwhelmed and more confident in the undertaking. She listened, heard, understood and remembered my situation each time we spoke. She met with me at my pace throughtout the process and at every stage gave me incredibly helpful advice, tailored to my unique situation and always held the intention of keeping my divorce out of court. 

She is a clear, direct and compassionate communicator and guided me well through this life altering transition. I am so grateful and have recommended her to several women seeking to successfully and peacefully complete their divorce.

- Brigid, Unbundled Client, November 2022