Our Company Path


We help improve the lives of families in conflict. By providing creative and alternative legal services, we help avoid or minimize lawyer driven court cases. We  approach our work to reduce the emotional pain and financial damage that often follow court. We are a different kind of firm designed to give clients the tools, advice, information and strategies they need to resolve their family law problems on their terms and within their budgets.


We provide a  range of  services to clients facing family problems before, during and after marriage, domestic partnership and children. Using systems and strategies developed over 30 plus years of practice, we focus on education, strategy and collaboration. We have evolved from a traditional law firm specializing in “full service representation”  to one that supports our clients to handle their own cases. We work with clients to help them prioritize goals, develop successful plans to achieve them and support them on their legal path. 


The family court system doesn’t work for most families. Few can afford lawyers, so they choose  between going into debt or struggling through “DIY” divorces. Costs aside, court is stressful, time-consuming and adds more conflict, making it harder to coparent and/or coexist in communities later.  Our court system assume that going to court is THE way to resolve family problems: lawyers try cases and courts give people “their day in court.” We believe  families don’t want an expensive, stressful day in court.  The results are impersonal while the issues covered are too personal for open court. We have seen that families simply need a way to resolve their differences -- one which lets them choose their path, tools and outcome.   

 After almost 20 years of working with families in traditional law, we have learned:

  • Adversarial systems don’t work for families
  • Court should be the last resort not the starting point
  • We should help families to help themselves 
  • We should be the navigators not the drivers.

 Legal services are most effective when they help families avoid court instead of simply being part of the court process. Rogue Family Law aims to do just that.

Your Life. Your Case. Your Way.

When you're ready to get started, fill out a no-obligation Application Form. We'll run a Conflict Search and then, if we can help, we'll send you more information about the options available to you - including the Legal Orientation and the Legal Workshops. Click the button to start the process.