Our Foundational Values at Rogue Family Law

Lawyers have lost the public's trust in both our motives and our methods. We are often seen as uncaring, opportunistic and unhelpful. We believe that transparency about our values and our approach is necessary to earn your trust. While we are advocates working within an adversarial system, our goal is to help families not to encourage court proceedings. The values that support this goal are:


Because our clients live with the outcomes of their family law cases for years after our work ends, we believe our clients should be the main architects. Our job is to give them the information, tools, advice and alternatives they need to choose wisely and build soundly.


We want to help families change and reorganize their lives, not destroy them. Our clients’ and their families futures should be based upon their high-end goals not the fear, sorrow and anger of a breakup. Our job is to help our clients define their vision for their futures and design creative strategies to make it reality. 


We understand how hard it is for families to navigate the court process and how few resources they may have. We challenge assumptions and continuously question the process to innovate and improve how we work and the results we achieve.  We are committed to finding ways to be deliver quality legal assistance to every price point so that access to justice isn’t dictated by income.  


Excellence is measured by the way in which families are helped through the family law system: with attention to detail, care, quality and affordability.