Issue: "I've Been Approved and Had Calls Before, but Now I Don't See the Consulting Calls in the Shop."

We're sorry for any frustration you are having but know that you're not alone.

The web technology we use to keep our breakthrough products and services affordable has its challenges but rest assured, you still have access to book sessions at your convenience.

 It's as easy as: log in, filter, and book! Each step is outlined below.

Step 1: Access your Rogue Family Law Site Account To Create Your Secure Password to Purchase Guided Products

When you got your application result email, you were assigned a Rogue Family Law Login sent to the email you gave us when you applied. Use that email to create your secure password. Then log in and you are ready to purchase products.

 (If you don't see your  account creation email notification in your inbox, check your spam folder. If you did step 2 but forgot your password, scroll down to the bottom of the page and follow the instructions for "forgot your password?"). 

Step 2: Use the Filters to Change the View on the Purchase Tools and Services Shop Page

Once you are logged in, go to the Purchase Tools and Services page. Then, click on one of the filtering options on the right to select a product. 

We suggest selecting a Product Category if you are looking for a guided product such as a Legal Consulting Call with Samantha.

Step 3: Purchase Consulting Sessions and Other Ongoing Services

Using your secure Rogue Family Law Site Account, you'll be able to purchase any tools or services at Rogue Family Law from here on out, including purchasing one-on-one time with a Rogue Family Law attorney. We recommend these follow-up services: the 30-minute consultation, a Case Planning Session, Case Management Coaching, and an Attorney Document Review.

You can use the images below to directly access the consulting calls (while logged in): 

If you forgot your password :

Then go to and log in using your new credentials.

If you have any troubles with this process, please reach out to